It involved fun adventures and new experiences. On Saturday, we went back into Visby to shop and explore. Here is where I probably found one of the best magical types of fairy stores in the world, and collected a First Edition, First print book about Fairies and other Magical Creatures.
We also managed to see the Gotland Museum, which plays host to some of the oldest picture stones. A lot of them to me reminded me of the picture stones in dwarfish in Lord of the Rings.
The Museum also consists of Viking Skelton's, and Viking Jewelry. It was truly specular.
I also managed to get myself lost in Visby.. oops. Never assume you know a city. But I found my way back.
On Sunday, we went into the town Sullen Tuna where we explored a Swedish Mall where I managed to find an awesome edition of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows in English, but the Swedish Version.
On Monday, we went into Uppsala which is where my brother works and visited his work, along with visiting the Uppsala University and one of the original Swedish castles.. why it is completely painted pink, I have no idea!
Uppsala City
In Uppsala, we visited the burial grounds of the kings, and another church that was historical and beautiful with its bibles that the ancient Swedish Kings used.
Also, at the same church is where the man and his family who invented Celsius is buried right under the floors!!
The rest of the trip was full of sadness and happiness, leaving family and but going home. I had a great time experiencing the culture, the food, and the nature of Sweden and Gotland. I also now cannot believe how fast the trip went! It was pretty fantastic, and I hope to go back to see more of Sweden someday!!
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