Thursday, July 25, 2013

Our Final Adventurous Days in Sweden

I've been so busy after I got back from our trip in Sweden, that I hadn't gotten a chance to write about our final days.

It involved fun adventures and new experiences.  On Saturday, we went back into Visby to shop and explore. Here is where I probably found one of the best magical types of fairy stores in the world, and collected a First Edition, First print book about Fairies and other Magical Creatures.
Viking Woman

We also managed to see the Gotland Museum, which  plays host to some of the oldest picture stones. A lot of them to me reminded me of the picture stones in dwarfish in Lord of the Rings.

The Museum also consists of   Viking Skelton's, and Viking Jewelry. It was truly specular.

I also managed to get myself lost in Visby.. oops. Never assume you know a city. But I found my way back.

On Sunday, we went into the town Sullen Tuna where we explored a Swedish Mall where I managed to find an awesome edition of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows in English, but the Swedish Version.

On Monday, we went  into Uppsala which is where my brother works and visited his work, along with visiting the Uppsala University  and one of the original Swedish castles.. why it is completely painted pink, I have no idea!
Uppsala City

In Uppsala,  we visited the burial grounds of the kings, and another church that was historical and beautiful with its bibles that the ancient Swedish Kings used.
Also, at the same church is where the man and his family who invented Celsius is buried right under the floors!!

 A King's Bible
 A Bridal Crown

The rest of the trip was full of sadness and happiness, leaving family and  but going home.  I had a great time experiencing the culture, the food, and the nature of Sweden and Gotland.  I also now cannot believe how fast the trip went! It was pretty fantastic, and I hope to go back to see more of Sweden someday!!

Friday, July 5, 2013

The Tip of Southern Gotland: Horses, Ship Graveyards, and Magical Key Holes :)

Since my last post,  I needed a day to stay at home and rest. Which, I got to yesterday.  Today however, I  had a barrier break through with Nature.

One if them is that I'm not very well balanced, especially on rocky hill tops or seashores. However,  today I   was able to balance myself on this large hill., I actually  managed to climb up 2/3rds of the biggest hills in Southern Gotland.   And, I only slipped going up hill once.  But,  for me, that was pretty much an accomplishment, the climbing part, not the slipping part. Don't worry! I'm not hurt at all,   I just got back in the saddle again and kept climbing, until I reached the 2/3 mark. I was very impressed with myself!

Speaking of saddles,  I got to see horses today! Which was amazing, because I was a stranger to them, and  they let me get close enough to pet them without being spooked. Which was a worry for me, because a spooked horse is never fun.. especially if it were to happen  on a pasture that belongs to a horse school full of Swedish students.

Pastures in Gotland are pretty much like America's but this particular  pasture had something called a Ship Grave Yard. Which, is exactly what it sounds like.  A bunch of stones put together made into the shape of a Ship.  And buried  underneath it, is well parts of the ship and possibly people who died on the ship.

The ship Graveyard was fascinating, but to me I always find real grave yards much more interesting. The reason is because of the dates on the grave. (Personally, the older the better, then I'm less scared out!) But,  at this beautiful church there was also a beautiful grave yard,  which had people all the way from the late 1700s and earlier in it.

Though, my group might say the best thing about the Grave yard  was the Hedgehog we had all been wanting to see since arriving on Gotland! It was a Mamma Hedgehog, and adorable. Also, we explored a cute little art Gallery, and   a beautiful rock beach where I found a large  rock that looked like it could have been right out of the Little Mermaid, the one where she sits on, watching Prince Eric.   I also found a fossil rock, and went into a small cave.

Oh, and to those who are curious,  yes, I managed to find some places that could've been perfect entrances  to fairyland, in fact, I found a large key hole that looked like it could have been an entrance to Faerie Worlds and The Secret Garden.


Today was our last full day in Gotland, because we leave tomorrow night to head back to Stockholm.  It was a very interesting trip, filled with lots of interesting and great experiences on this famous Island that I have never heard about until I read about it.  Though, I'm sad to leave this beautiful Island, and Stockholm and family on Tuesday, I am definitely ready to head back to my homeland, America!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

East Gotland: A Mini Fairy Land

Today's adventure involved exploring East Gotland.

East Gotland is very small, at least the town of Slite is.  However, on the way it did have some interesting sight seeing things to see.
  Especially, the church, Bunge Kyrka.

There is even  a legend behind Bunge Kyrka.  Apparently at one point,  a man  promised to God that if God could fix his daughters  eyes, (they were blind) he would sacrifice the Ox to the church. However,  The man got half way there and his daughter's eyes got see.  Then the man decided that the didn't think he had to sacrifice it anymore, so he turned back around. However, his healed daughters were turned into stone, which are still in the middle of the field not far from where the church is.
Bunge Kyrka

sacrificing stones

The inner Harbor of Slite

The rests of the town of Slite is very small,  pretty much a  square with a mini skateboard ramps. There is a pretty little Garden,  an excellent Pizzaria place, and a Ship museum that is only open on Sundays and Mondays.
The garden has a little stream that runs up to the what I think might be the legendary lady of the Water. Who I'm not sure what her story is.
There are also many places for fairies to live, hide, and play.
The lily pads were very pretty, and the water looked warm enough to swim in. In some parts of the town, there is a swimming beach, but it is  to cold to swim!
Lady in the Water?!
Little water stream and pond!
 Fairy House near the stream :)

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

We're Painting the Roses Red, We're Painting the Roses Red!!

 Once upon  a time, there was a town called Visby.  In these times however it is split in to two towns: New Visby and Old Visby.
   I mostly got to visit the  Old Visby. 

Visby is amazing..  Most people start from the center of Old Visby and explore, like the Sweden Guide says.

However, we started from the Main Gate.  The Main gate is connected to this fabulously old  wall called the Town Wall,  which  is 18 ft high and about 2.5 to 3 .  long.  It looks like a like a castle, with it's towers.

Once you get in Old Visby,  it's gorgeous with it's cobbled stones and Swedish Style Cottages. 

The rooftops make you want to jump across them like Arrietty jumps  through the leaves and grass in The Secret World of Arrietty.

The hills give that Diagon Alley feel that you have always wanted..  Big, with shops on the side and lots  hiking.

The ancient ruins in the main square are amazing,  though I didn't get to go in,  I could just imagine
what it felt like to worship their or have a Wedding as they were today.
 The Main Gate The Main Square Lutheran Church

My favorite out of everything was the Botanical Garden. With it's lush grass and the water-lily pond, it is amazing.

Not only that, but it's rare plants as well. The smell of the pineapples growing and the rare purple flowers, were amazing together.

Pinus Aristata, not pineapple, but looks very similar!

The Roses  that were just popping out, beautifully,   made you want to sing "We're painting the roses red, we're painting  the roses red" from Alice in Wonderland.

I definitely recommend the Botantical Gardens, because not only does the sun shine  through the trees,  but it sparkles and both it and the calming of the quiet breeze make you feel at peace.

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Monday, July 1, 2013

A Day Exploring and Hiking the land of Gotland's Troll and Fairy homes!!

A Day Exploring and Hiking the land of Gotland's Troll and Fairy homes!!
Today was a much slower paced day in Visby Gotland.   

 The Island Gotland!! Our View :)
      My family and I  took a tour of the area we are staying in and  the surroundings.  The land is gorgeous with poppy flowers that make you wish you could leap over them, and tiny little thistle flowers  where one could hope  to spot  a fairy, or  a troll.

The Baltic Sea is also fantastic.  The sunlight shines down on it,  and all day it looks like the sea is sparkling and  the rocks near the shore are homes to seagulls, swans, and possibly some mermaids.. you never know...

Our own backyard is a Fairy Palace in itself,  with many daisies, tree houses, and a birdcage that is actually  a swing!

Fairy Home!

On the rocky beach,  we found  a crab shell,   a fossil that looked like it was part of a horn at one point. A troll horn, that is.

 For the first time I experienced wild swans! They were am
azing,  a mother swan and  a baby swan, just minding their own business.

Inside our cabin is more like the inside of a nature palace.

It has smooth wooden floors,tables, and an outside deck to set on and to enjoy both the sunshine our beautiful Nature filled view.

The favorite room of everybody's seems to be the bathroom. It is an almost old style Downtown Abbey's  bathroom.
It has a beautiful tube,  a shower, and it too has big bay windows that look over the backyard.

Troll home?!


Gorgeous Poppy Flowers!